Recent content by Pandoriaantje

  1. P

    modboard help..

    Is there really no other way?
  2. P

    What is your preferred saturn pad?

    model 1 all da way sold my 3d (stupid me!!)
  3. P

    modboard help..

    sorry for the bad pics (cheap webcam) check e'm out @ So it's a 20pin cable
  4. P

    modboard help..

    damn no modding 4 me than i'll put up some pictures l8r, i just came out off bed.
  5. P

    modboard help..

    Hi all, first post here So, i've just received my modboard from lik-sang but when i wanted to install it seems that the chip i should solder the bleu wire to isn't there. there is no chip on the len's pcb. i've got a European MK-80200-50 (black, no round buttons). Is it possible to install...