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    WTB! IMPORT CvS1 (NOT PRO) Street Fighter Zero 2

    Again, Im looking for IMPORT, MINT/COMPLETE or of course NEW copies of CAPCOM vs SNK 1 (not CvS Pro) for the DREAMCAST and or Street Fighter Zero 2 for the SEGA SATURN. I will pay around 20 for both unless you charge a lot for shipping. I will PAYPAL money as soon as a deal is made. I have...
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    Wanted DC IMPORT Marvel vs Capcom

    Marvel vs Capcom 1 for the dreamcast only if its NEW SEALED or MINT COMPLETE. Along with shipping ill pay around 20-25 give or take a few dollars or if anyone is interested ill trade you a MISB KoF 99 Dream match import, for the DC. e mail me or PM me, Thanks a lot.
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    WANTED:Dreamcast Sega Smash Pack

    hmmm, thanks for the heads up. I got it and am waiting for it in the mail (so this thread is no longer really needed) and was really pumped to play Altered Beast, Shinobi and Golden axe again, but now it seems they all suck?
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    WANTED:Dreamcast Sega Smash Pack

    Not sure how many volumes were made but im looking for Volume 1. Unless its NEW/Sealed or import i dont plan on spending more than 10 buck on it. If its Used I ask that it be in mint condition. Post here, PM or e mail me to discuss. Thanks!
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    Playmore Update: KOF 2002!

    Geeze, you know what, that is a really good question I think its because I probably didnt look! Sorry if it bothered you, but at least now it has an update of its very own with a couple of pics.
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    Playmore Update: KOF 2002!

    Figured there may be one or two people as excited as I am for its release on the DC so even though they STILL dont have a specific date they are moving right along with an update stating that it will be out this summer, sources say by july.. but thats prolly old news.
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    Different saturn versions and mod Qs

    Thats the thing I dont understand, the replay is a 4 in 1 the "PAR Plus" and works fine with XvSF, D&D tower of Doom, Street Fighter collection and will work on pocket fighter when the option is given to use 4M or not?!?! Im pretty sure all of those games require the 4M to play. But again...
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    Different saturn versions and mod Qs

    Wonderful! I appreciate it, thanks a lot. Now then, both of my saturns have the round power/reset buttons so they are both model 2 but how do I tell if they are 64 or 32 pin IC's? Just count them? Or does it not matter? Actually What is an IC? And Id like to try and add a switch to my saturn...
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    Different saturn versions and mod Qs

    Hopefully I wont totally confuse you all with this buuut... I have two saturns, both US but one has the switch in the back to let me play imports games. The the first saturn I bought ( the one without the switch) I used the Pro Action Replay Plus to play Imports but for some reason it would not...