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  1. N

    Looking for Dasm

    My recent attempts to gain experience with the SCSP's DSP chip have run into a large, Dasm-shaped roadbloack. The ISO file linked in this thread is no longer available (and the only other mention of the file online is an equally-inactive torrent link), while the SOUNDTLS.sit file I downloaded...
  2. N

    Getting started with ponèSound

    Thanks for the help; I figured the solution would be right in front of me. Increasing the driver data size solved the problem handily. To answer your other questions: Adding data to PCM_CTRL beyond (what I assume is) the memory threshold would corrupt sample playback, adding a 'fuzzy' sound to...
  3. N

    Getting started with ponèSound

    That's what I thought I was doing by editing the main.c file in the PROJ folder, since that's what builds sdrv.bin in the first place.
  4. N

    Getting started with ponèSound

    Things have been going (relatively) swimmingly since my last post, but I've run into what appear to be memory issues long before I've exhausted the SCSP's RAM space. Adding enough additional variables to _PCM_CTRL's struct seems to cause pcmCtrlData (the _PCM_CTRL array) to bleed into the space...
  5. N

    Getting started with ponèSound

    The 'noise' you're hearing is because pS interprets all 16-bit PCM samples with big-endian byte order, while Audacity (for reasons unexplainable by modern science) can only export little-endian audio. If you're struggling with the ffmpeg commands, the only to reverse the bytes is to either write...
  6. N

    Getting started with ponèSound

    As it turns out, the solution was exactly as simple as I imagined—the library will only play files whose names are 8 characters or less long (not including the .PCM extension), and all of my test samples exceeded this length thanks to being some variation on "HAV_FLAG_<SUFFIX>.PCM". I humbly...
  7. N

    Getting started with ponèSound

    I was looking to do some simple audio experiments on the Saturn, and ponut's ponèSound library seemed like the right tool for the job. While I was impressed with what the demo projects had to offer, I encountered more difficulty than expected while trying to edit them for my own purposes...