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  1. H

    Got my Xbox...

    And in reality, how much better are games really going to look? So good that they will bring horrible images of fmv games of the past?
  2. H

    What is your favorite "Underdog" game?

    The guy saying Rise of the Triad wasn't an Underdog is sorely mistaken. It was released when Doom was gaining a whole lot of popularity. I mean Doom was getting BIG. At the time, clones of Doom were being made left and right. It was hard to discern Rise of the Triad from the rest by looking at...
  3. H

    Got my Xbox...

    I'm definately agreeing with all the people who wait for systems to go out of date. People often ask me how the #### I have so many #### games. Well, I tell them that I've never had lots of money growing up in my middle class life. I've just been able to collect things in increments. But going...
  4. H

    Is this REALLY worth it? - Top loading NES

    Considering that I got mine for $30 US and most sell for $90 upwards I'd say that's a ripoff. The top-loading nes itself is cool because, unlike the old nes, the connectors inside get a whole lot less dirty. The controllers are spiffy too!
  5. H

    What Sega CD games to get?

    Eternal Champions Rise of the Dragon Flashback Dark Wizard Prince of Persia Revenge of the ninja Dragon's Lair Jurrassic Park Slipheed Flink Fatal Fury Wonder Dog Space Ace good games, I might say, how much is he selling the 15 games for? (Edited by Hiryu at 8:34 pm on...