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  1. G

    GameCube Emulation Already!!

    Wow, Supposely there's a emu out for Gamecube, and it works's called Dolphin....if its true, it looks good from the clip I got online in this thread: You have to register to see the thread and to download the clip. It...
  2. G

    No Audio from Dreamcast

    I'm so pissed off...mainly at myself. I think I ruined my DC system, I accidently dropped it, roughly 1 foot off my desk, and now I can't get any audio from the system. It runs and plays games perfectly. I dropped the system along the left sift of the unit...the side with the input connections...
  3. G

    Saturn Netlink questions

    Hi, I was just wondering, does the Saturn netlink have the ability to dial directly to another person's Saturn system? Or does it solely have to be logged on a server and then people play online? Also, can it direct connect using IP addresses? As for games go, what cames are compatible for...
  4. G

    VGA Box Question and Reccomendations

    I'm thinking of getting a VGA Box for my DC, and I stumbled on one at and they have one that can display CD-R backup games with this VGA box called the Treamcast. First off, is there really a need for CD-R support on a VGA box? I mean can't any VGA box play a CD-R backup of any...