Genesis/Megadrive Dev

Hi all,

Not sure if there is anyone interested in coding for the Megadrive/Genesis these days (except me that is) but I thought I'd ask and find out.

I've been working (for fun) on some simple software and hardware projects and made a programmable cart a few years ago (using flash memory). I picked it up again recently and decided it would be nice to have a better way to transfer programs to the Megadrive.

I have made a cable that connects PC parallel port to controller port 2 on the Megadrive and written code to transfer data and write it to the flash chips. With it I can transfer a test program to the Megadrive in 5 seconds or so. Full 512KB ROMs take a couple of minutes, which is still quicker than using an EPROM programmer from linux and you don't need to remove the chips.

My next step is to try to interface MMC/SD cards. I hope to also do this on the controller port. Seems much more appropriate than IDE interfaces these days.

Maybe all this has been done before, but I'm having fun learning as I go 🙂

If anyone is interested feel free to have a look at, reply here or PM me.

