IceMan2K - the art section

Will you allow manual scans to be added to the art section? If so, how would you like them compressed? I mean the image format that would be preferred(gif, jpg, etc.) and the compression type used for the images(ace,rar,zip,etc.). Would there be a limit you want to place on the file size? Are there certain manuals you would like to see scanned rather than others? In other words, are there manuals too common to bother scanning?
Personally I think a manual scans section would be great, and no scan is too common.

However I think the decision is IceMan2k's... space and all that...
I made IceMan2K aware of this question on SX's board but he still hasn't replied. He is probably searching for words that pretty much mean "No way Jose!" but in a nicer tone.
I was talking to Karny about this a couple days ago. I need to get some stuff up and running first before I can do this. Space and bandwidth reasons.