Need some help with reburning converted us-->jap

Need some help with reburning converted us-->jap

Originally posted by Mask of Destiny@Mar 21, 2004 @ 07:41 AM

You have confused me. If you mean, multiple conversions with convscd will lose the original information this is no longer true since it will refuse to convert an already converted ISO (at least in the latest version).

I'm using v1.05 and I can convert an already converted image. First started with a USA image (which hasn't been patched before), then told convscd that the source region should be japan, then converted it to europe.

Loaded the european patched image of the game and it says the source image is european, and the original image was japan. I then tell convscd that the source image is correct (european), then proceeded to convert it to usa again.

Load the usa patched image of the game and it says the source image is USA, and the original image was europe...

...and so on :sleep: