PSP Homebrew and Emulation

Well, the PSP is out and about now, so I'm wondering how long you guys think it will take for a significant homebrew/emu scene to arrive for it? I'm guessing not too long with all the hacks out for it all ready. I'm inquiring because I'm itching for some kickass emus for the PSP. I'd love to play some Genesis titles on my PSP. Do you think they'll be able to do some emu stuff from more advance consoles like the original PSX, or even the N64? Wouldn't that be ironic, playing N64 roms on the PSP. Then there would be no reason to get a DS! Oh, just the idea of it all makes me happy....
There's a lot of interest, but that doesn't mean it will happen in any particular amount of time. The main factor is someone actually finding a viable code injection method, and that's not something you can really put a timetable on - it'll be found if/when someone finds it.
You can load software directly off the memory stick. There's even a "Games" folder on the memory stick after you format it. There's a working irc client out for the psp right now, and work is being done on an msn client and an aim client. I hope to see a snes emu some day =P
There's a working irc client out for the psp right now

If you're talking about PSPIRC, that's not actually a PSP program (though it is designed with PSP in mind), but runs on a web server. It only works because you can fake the DNS entry for the Wipeout Pure web browser, which doesn't involve getting any unlicensed code running on the PSP.

You can load software directly off the memory stick.

Link to some software that actually works this way? All I've seen about this mechanism is speculation, not that anyone had actually gotten it to work...
That's true I guess, I hadn't looked into the irc client much as I figure typing on the psp is a pain in the ass. Still I think with the ability to load software off the memory stick (whether sony only software or not) it's only a matter of time before we start seeing 3rd party software.
It's not only a matter of time, it is also a matter of what decisions Sony made in terms of securing that mechanism, as well as the BIOS. It's entirely plausible to me that a modchip could be required to run homebrew code on PSP. Even then, the most common methods that mods/exploits use could be thwarted if some sacrifices are made in the flexibility of the design.

I'd say the best rule of thumb is to wait and see if Datel announces an Action Replay for it. Compared to amateur hackers, they (more specifically, Raw Science) have better tools, more expertise, and a business interest in finding a user-friendly PSP exploit, and history shows that where there's an AR, homebrew is never far behind (even if it's sometimes because the AR itself is being used to load external code :D)