Super Mario RPG (SNES) - Game of the day - 25 August 2002

Whats really amazing about this game, if you think about it is, it came out only a little over a year before FF7.The graphics were obviously amazing then, and the game played great.I like how well they implemented the mario play mechanics (running & jumping) into it all. The music was of course amazing as well, (gotta love the remixed Final Fantasy music, at a certain point in the game) was i the only one here who used the Princess & Geno?(most people i know used bowser instead of Geno.) The only bad thing, was that Luigi was nowhere to be found...
cww80 said:
The only bad thing, was that Luigi was nowhere to be found...

Other then the fact that you read his wish on star mountain. I know what you mean though, the first time i played through it i was dissapointed that he wasnt in the game. It is nice that they hadnt completely forgotten about him though.
he was the grand marshall of sorts at the parade at the end of the game although i would like a square mario rpg game with luigi in it too. :lol:
I just completed it yesterday. Yes, for the first time. I'm kind of late with those "old school" games, I'm only getting into them now, because I simply had only few of them when I was a child and they were actually new.

So, without any previous experience about the game, and with lots of old and new games to compare it to, I can still honestly say it's one of the best I've ever played. It kept me glued to my seat and I completed it in a few days.

Awesome graphics. Very beautiful backgrounds, too.
Good music. As I'm writing this, I'm downloading the soundtrack.
Excellent storyline. Good RPGs should always have lots of sidestories and likeable side characters to spice up the story, and SMRPG sure had those. (Mallow finding his real parents? The mushroomian couple getting married and going on honeymoon to Yo'ster's Island? Bowser caring about his troops? Pure cuteness.)
Nice to play. As usual with SNES games (yes I am totally Super Nintendo's bitch), it was pure pleasure in fingertips to play this game.

The Final Fantasy style boss totally cracked me up. It was just so hilarious to see the Mario characters fighting there, with the Final Fantasy music playing. :lol:

I used the combination Mario-Mallow-Toadstool most of the time. Mallow's specials were so handy and fit my fighting style, and Toadstool of course because she's the healer, and because she kicked some major ass. Really, in the end she did the most damage with physical hits, even when she was a level lower than Mario. Toadstool beats, Toadstool heals. This game increased my fangirling for Toadstool a thousandfold.