Which versions should I keep?


Mid Boss
I need some help. I am thining out my video game collection. I am considering getting rid of either the PSX or SCD version of Lunar and Lunar 2. Which should I keep? Which is better? Thanks for any input.
It's no contest. Anyone who's played the SCD versions and then the PSX/Saturn versions should realize that they ruined things. Not EVERYTHING, but they changed stuff that didn't damn well need to be changed.
Judging by the vote count (6-0), I'm gonna go with selling my PSX versions. I found I can sell the games and guide for more than enough. I can then go out and by a few games I have CDR's of.
i dont know the psx lunar was really good... but scd lunar 2 ROCKED so much more then the psx... though id keep lunar 1 scd just cause nostalgia, my first ever real rpg back when it first came out, YEY.
Originally posted by schi0249@Jul 25, 2004 @ 08:33 PM

Judging by the vote count (6-0), I'm gonna go with selling my PSX versions.

Well, I think it's safe to say you made the right choice. :cool:
Well, in the SCD versions the cutscenes are actually animated in a manner similar to Snatcher... that is, by moving parts around, not with FMV. From what I understand, the PSX and Saturn versions just took these scenes and encoded them w/video, so that explains it.
Uhh, I was pretty sure the PSX/Saturn versions had some/all new footage. But I'll admit that some of the (admittedly few) Lunar 1 videos and pretty much ALL of the Lunar 2 videos are very impressive for Sega CD. Very well done.

Anyway, I voted for the SCD versions based more on gameplay, as well as nostalgia. They are the first, and they rock. The GBA remake of Lunar doesn't even have proper overworld, but that's another story...