Wii PS3 price drop


Staff member
when will it happen ? The XBox 360 is quite cheap now, it even outsells the PS3 for 5 weeks. Sony and Nintendo have to react. The Wii needs a price drop even if it sells well : 249€ VS 179€ for a powerfull console with a big game choice.
But it's a 360 arcade, only a 256MB card. The upcoming and mandatory xbox live update comes in at 128MB. Not only that, but the arcade doesn't come with a game pack-in (WiiSports for the Wii).

Finally, the casual gamer demand for the 360 is not nearly as signifcant as the Wii's.

I own both consoles, and they do different things. The Wii isn't MS's or Sony's competition. I'd say that the Wii holding its price through this holiday season is a solid bet. The company that really needs to drop price is Sony, because a Wii + 360 combination is a much more interesting combination and pricewise is comparable to a standalone PS3.
I don't see Wii + 360 really being comparable to PS3; you'd have to go with a 360 Arcade and make the somewhat unrealistic assumption that you won't buy a hard drive or bigger memory unit.

Anyway, I think PS3 needs exclusives more than it needs a price cut. There are some nice ones lined up (e.g. LBP, White Knight Chronicle) , but overall I think 360 is still winning in that regard.
My response wasn't clear at all, I admit. The first part was in reference to the arcade versus the wii. The second part was "any permutation of 360" + Wii > PS3.

I disagree that exclusives will do much for this system. The 360 already has a number of exclusives and a price leg up - it'll be a couple of years before we see the full power of the PS3, at which point the next gen xbox will be available.
Price does still matter IMHO, at least to some folks.

I already own a Wii and am hoping to get either a 360 or PS3 at some point. Since price matters quite a bit (Gotta pass the wife-check), it's pretty hard to justify the purchase of a PS3.

Although, I suppose that does fall in to what ExCyber was saying anyway. To justify that price, it'd probably need exclusive games that I really really want. ^_^