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  1. F

    what can my sega cdx do?

    Sega Neptune, been a long time since i seen one of those, believe it or not, last time i seen one, i played it. It was in Best Buy, I dont remember if it was for sale or display only, but i do remember it was playing doom, I didnt ask to buy one. I got a Saturn instead I've heard rumors that...
  2. F

    Backup Batteries dead

    Dead battery in sonic 3? sonic 3 doesn't use a battery to save, i've opened one myself, instead its just a mem chip, which means saves on sonic 3 last forever. so i say, your chip's bad, find a new cart
  3. F

    Gold Gamegear?

    if you have sonic jam on the saturn, one of the japanese ads has a picture of it, they show 3 gamegears as it says "GG Colection!" one black, one yellow,er gold, and one blue Enjoy!
  4. F

    how many think sega will come out with a

    I say in about 10 years, yes. I've learned one thing and that's that people will almost always run to the new guy, no matter how many good games it has, when PS1 came out it had nothing, just a couple of crap games while saturn had daytona, virtua cop, virtua figher, panzer dragoon, etc. When X...