Stereo sound with a model 1 genny/sega cd/32x?

okay, i have a model i genny, model 1 sega cd and a 32x. currently i have the mono cables hooking the entire thing up. how do i get stereo sound out of all 3? i know i can run audio cables right out of the back of the sega cd but some of the sound samples are muted (im assuming since i dont have the headphone mixing cord?). could i just get a stereo cable running from the 32x and get stereo from all 3?
lost me there bud!
Yeah, you need the mixing cable to deliver stereo audio from the genesis to the sega cd, and from there you use the RCA jacks to output the audio to your TV or stereo.

edit: to answer your other question, the genesis 1's av port doesn't support stereo audio. So you probably won't be hearing true stereo using the stereo av cables if you do hear from both channels at all.