Upload to ss doesn't work
I'm pretty sure my commlink is well connected, I manage to download savegames
and I'm able to see some text dump of the current game.
I try to upload a binary with the package found at segaextreme, I push F6
chose to upload at 06004000 but nothing happend.
By using ssfexe, I fill all the info, push the connect button (it says ; "waiting for saturn")
I switch on the saturn (the data seems to be uploaded), and the saturn freeze at the sega logo screen.
I don't guess what I did wrong.
If you have any hint ... I have no more idea
I'm pretty sure my commlink is well connected, I manage to download savegames
and I'm able to see some text dump of the current game.
I try to upload a binary with the package found at segaextreme, I push F6
chose to upload at 06004000 but nothing happend.
By using ssfexe, I fill all the info, push the connect button (it says ; "waiting for saturn")
I switch on the saturn (the data seems to be uploaded), and the saturn freeze at the sega logo screen.
I don't guess what I did wrong.
If you have any hint ... I have no more idea