Recent content by Fuckstuff

  1. F

    Am I shit

    I've not bought the first yet. Most people seem to think Akira is the hardest to use, followed by Shun. I guess that means if I can get to be alright with him I'll be able to kick most asses I'll play. And with moves that are embarassing to get hit with too (the sitting cross legged one is a...
  2. F

    Am I shit

    Yeah, I can do it just using throws but like you say, it's not really a good way. Not much different to button bashing really. I'm off to practice practice practice
  3. F

    Where are you located in the world

    At least you get bands and stuff playing and a bit of variety in the shops.. I miss Leeds.
  4. F

    Am I shit

    OK, so I've been playing Virtua Fighter 2 for a couple of weeks now and I'm still shit. I'm only good with one of the hardest characters (supposedly) to control, Shun, and I'm fucked if I can finish it on normal difficulty. Easy was.. easy, but I can't get further than Kage most of the time (got...
  5. F

    FTP abuse!?

    Maybe you should get people to PM you for the passwords rather than post for all to see. That way you know who you've got and a good idea of who might be abusing. The post amount thing isn't so good, because there's people like me who only just got a Saturn and ARE in for the long haul. You'd...
  6. F

    Where are you located in the world

    Viva South Yorkshire? There's a new phrase in my book. How is Donny a nice day out? There's nowt here!
  7. F

    What's your worst experience with a game system or game?

    I like my PS2! Anyways, my worst was when I was about 7 and I couldn't beat the last guy on a WWF Gameboy game, so I headbutted it really hard and smashed all the screen. I had a bad temper as a child..
  8. F

    Gaming prowess and age

    I've had games since I was pretty young (Repton on the BBC!), but I guess maybe it's that you don't dedicate the time. I musta finished Sonic like 100 times when I was younger, you just couldn't do it now if you had the inclination. Maybe how good you are is related to something, like the foot...
  9. F

    Gaming prowess and age

    This has always bothered me, I'm sure I was a whole lot better at games about ten years ago (when I was nine) than I am now. Children can always beat adults on games. Why is this? WHY?? Does ten years of practice count for nothing?? *veins bulge out of head* NYYAAAARRRRRGH
  10. F

    Where are you located in the world

    Hey Segasonic, a South Yorkshire bum here too. Though I bet Doncaster's worse than Sheffield. I used to live in Leeds and Manchester, now I'm in the heroin capital of Europe. Life's a bitch
  11. F

    Help! I'm stuck in this game,.....!

    Nice one, he didn't understand a joke of mine. I ban people from my life for less than that.
  12. F

    who knows ho to fix a saturn

    Read his question dude, you may see that there was a joke to subtle for you to understand involved.
  13. F

    who knows ho to fix a saturn

    Why do you want a ho to fix your Saturn anyways? Can't you do it yourself?
  14. F

    CDRW playing on Saturn

    No, but I am cheap if you're asking. I wanted to know so I could burn a copy before I burned on the CDRs to test the ISO and whatever. Plus I want to put my own stupid sound files in (I get bored..), laugh at them and then move on to the next cheap thrill.
  15. F

    CDRW playing on Saturn

    I love it. LOVE IT. If it's stuff then I can fuck.