2+2=5 - More idle speculation :)

Following Karny's lead about Nintendo's 'big thing' in Gamecube's future (his Metal Gear Solid theory), I reckon it might be Final Fantasy VII-2. Nintendo said that there will be exclusive Final Fantasy games in future and Gameforms (http://www.gameforms.com/news/?590) reckons there might be a sequel to FFVII coming. Obviously that would be a pretty massive thing with all the folks that love FFVII.. I'd love to see it too.

(Edited by Myname at 9:55 pm on Nov. 11, 2002)
Honestly, I would prefer a prequil to FF7 then a sequil. Think about it, all the things that were so breafly talked about durring the game that a prequil could have. For example, here are some things I think would be neat to see if they made a prequil:

1. Shinras rise to power
2. Sephiroths days in soldier
3. tifa and clouds childhood
4. Vincents past
5. Zacks story
6. The descovery of Mako
7. The forming of avalance
8. Barretts life before home town destroyed by shinra
9. The Shinra vs. Wutai war (Why did it start? For how long did it last? Why didn't Shinra occupy it afterward?)
10. the battle when the cetra/anchients defeated jenova when it crashed into the planet