Bung Doctor v64 Back Up Unit

Unless you go on a trip to HK its very hard to get one on online stores, the only ones available are CD64 and Z64, on the second hand market you may get a v64 too.

Edit: Doctor V64jr i also available.
Z64 is the best one it uses a ZIP drive and can be easilly modded by putting the zip drive aside and connecting a HardDrive to the Mr.Backup Z64 unit. Since it uses a Iomega zip drive its much more realible than cd units . The cd64 is the cheapest but does the job, best site on the net about everything N64 related Both cost 200EUR I choose the Z64 anyday of the week I was hoping these guys made a flash copier first http://www.tototek.com/ at least no news about that. You can order the Z64 from here
A flash cart for N64 games isn't very economical because of their size. The best thing to do IMHO would be to do a RAM cart like V64 Jr, but use self-refresh SDRAM or PSRAM chips instead of an EDO/FPM module, get rid of the battery compartment and parallel interface, and have a CompactFlash slot and USB interface. Then it could be a normal-sized cart instead of a top-heavy beast.

Since it uses a Iomega zip drive its much more realible than cd units.
Tell that to someone who's gotten the Click of Death. In any case, improved firmwares are floating around that make it possible to just install a hard drive, which is probably the best way to go now.
By reliable I meant it lasts longer than cd-roms drives I still have my Iomega 100MB zip drive on the other hand I changed cd-rom drives multible times, anyway a HD is much better since it holds more data among other plus.

I think a 64MB flash cart would be enough to play the bulk of the N64 games the bigger carts like Zelda well you had to buy them not a problem at all 😉 , the point is to play imports, rarer games and homebrew stuff.
I think a 64MB flash cart would be enough to play the bulk of the N64 games
Come to think of it, there are fairly cheap 128MBit and 256MBit GBA flash carts, and it should be feasible to make a GBA -> N64 cartridge adapter. Visoly or someone made a GBA -> GB adapter, and GB has a much more demanding cartridge interface than N64 (N64 games actually run from RAM just like PSX or Saturn games; they made the cartridge interface slow and with a low pin count to keep cartridges cheap). Now you've got me wanting to design some hardware... :blink: