Cheap shooters

I just found two new but old-school shooters at gamestop.

Mobile Light Force 2 for PS2 used was only 4.99, and I thought the screenshots and description looked familiar. I was right, MLF2 is actually Castle Shikagami 1, and I had just bought Castle Shikagami 2 for only 9.99 the week before. Unfortunately they stripped the story and TV-turn in this port.

And they also had Mobile Light Force 1 brand new for PSX only 7.99. Now, if MLF2 was CS1, what was MLF1, CS0? Nope, actually it's GunBird 1. Which is also a coincidence, because I'd found GunBird 2 for Dreamcast last year at a pawn store.

I just thought that was interesting, that I'd had both sequels already, and then happened to get the originals in an unsuspecting way.

Both the sequals do support the TV-turn, which is cool.

How well do those gamedoctor's work? My Gunbird 2 for Dreamcast is really scratched up (I got it at a pawn store). It usually takes about 20 attemps at booting to get it to load, though once it loads it seems to play fine. Or does the laser itself need to be tuned?

As long as all the scratches are just in the bottom. I've got a bunch of games from a thrift store that all have top scratches which are unrepairable.
Not a big fan of the game doctor personally; I think you're better off taking your disc into a dvd rental place or game store and having it professionally resurfaced. It's not a 100% cure, but it did stop the music from skipping on my (very scratched) Guardian Heroes for example. It's hard to say if your DC's laser is in bad shape, but cleaning that couldn't hurt either.
Originally posted by it290@Fri, 2005-12-30 @ 10:28 AM

Not a big fan of the game doctor personally; I think you're better off taking your disc into a dvd rental place or game store and having it professionally resurfaced. It's not a 100% cure, but it did stop the music from skipping on my (very scratched) Guardian Heroes for example. It's hard to say if your DC's laser is in bad shape, but cleaning that couldn't hurt either.

[post=143042]Quoted post[/post]​

I can agree with this. I've had a lot of problems with NHL Hitz Pro for the Gamecube. After taking it to have it professionally resurfaced it works nearly perfectly. I had previously attempted to do it at home, with no success.
Just want to comment on professional buffers: I bought a copy of VF4 Evo used and the girl thought there were too many scratches on the disc, so she buffed it. There were a lot of them, so she had to buff a long time. Well, she buffed too long, and when I tried the game out in my university several states away, it wouldn't recognize the disc. I wasn't angry, though, because she didn't mean to destroy the disc. My only suggestion is if you get a disc that's really scratched, ask the person to go easy on it.