
heh - you thing your name is bad. On some other forums (which will remain nameless for the time being), I am known as..uh.. "leetweed".

Stop that laughing in the back there, damnit!

(Edited by Curtis at 11:06 pm on Nov. 20, 2001)

(Edited by Curtis at 11:08 pm on Nov. 20, 2001)
Quote: from GreatSayamanGohan on 9:56 pm on Nov. 20, 2001

Is it possible, or am I stuck as GreatSaiyamanGohan forever?

Create a new account.

Ask an admin to transfer your post count to the new account

Ask an admin to delete the old account.

That's the way I've seen it done at other Ikonboards.
I have this strange feeling of deja vu...

The name "Fabrizo" keeps running thru' my mind...😛

BTW - Great use of alliteration there GreatSayamanGohan; it is really effective in expressing your true feelings 😛
You've got to be careful what you wish for 'round here.

Title and name changes seem to be a touchy subject.

Although it's good to see Fabrizo is comfortable with his 😉

Curtis - leetweed? Tee hee hee...
hmm... I wonder if you guys could change my title to something cool? How about Superhero? heh. That or Dan Enthusiast.

(Edited by Snyderman at 3:06 am on Nov. 21, 2001)
Yep, custom titles are a very touchy subject around here. Look what my title is, I asked for something different, and thats what I got. Before I asked so did "Death", he got flamed pretty badly for it, as I did, and decided he had had his fill of this board, and it was time to move on to a more friendly environment of a board. I can only wish him the best of luck finding a flame free, evil admin free, board.
I was gonna ask for a new title, but I just thought it would annoy you admins, so I wont.

####, why am i posting this?