
It's officially dead...but it's still pretty good. I never thought I'd see the day Sega would go down...breaks my heart...
Sega IS alive.....just not much for DC.....thats sad...if it was a CE system as well DC would be dead, Thats what Im saying. Ppl wouldnt use DC if it couldnt run programs like DCNes etc
lol sorry gallstuff :)wink: i mean Gallstaff)

anyway sega is not dead its acutually doing very well now. they are gona make a lot of money producing games

and DC isnt dead.

ppl say "yadayada its "OFFICALLY" dead" thats bull

a system is dead only if nobody plays it anymore and nobody talks about it
Very well put. The people using the system determine whether it still lives, not the corporate entity that produced it.
I mean, ####, THE atari isn't dead. Atari the comanpany is on it's death bed, but the system itself is still being used.
yeha, i like that.

the company is on the "deathbed" but the system is still being used,

in other words...


just like the DC isnt dead

(and never will be dead, cuz i will always play it and my kids and grand kids will always play it....as long as atleast 1 person plays it, ITS NOT DEAD!!!!! AGHJSAHDADOASDHADAHODASD)

sorry i went crazy