ESPN Nhl 2k5


Established Member
Two words

BUY THIS .....

Seriously if you like hockey, this is a must... get this game everything from start to finish about this game is great... don't miss out.
Please tell me you bought NFL 2K5 as well...

I'm not a Hockey guy, but I might pickup NHL. I know I'll be picking up College Hoops 2K5 though.
Hockey games are probably the only sports games that are actually fun, IMHO. I personally play a lot of NHL '94 and NHL 2k2. The only other sports games I remotely like are Baseball Stars 2, Super Baseball 2020, Neo Turf Masters, Speedball 1/2, and Links 386. 😉
NHL 94 is awesome. It's really the only Hockey game I play.

I, myself, am a football guy. Call me crazy, but I own twenty-four football games.

My favorites being:

1. NFL 2K5 (PS2)

2. NFL 2K (Dreamcast)

3. NFL 2K2 (Dreamcast)

4. NCAA Football 2003 (PS2)

5. NFL 95 (MD/Genny)
of course I bought, nfl 2k5..... great great game.... and college hoops... I can't wait for that as well..
Originally posted by RolfWrenWalsh@Aug 31, 2004 @ 07:34 PM

NHL 94 is awesome. It's really the only Hockey game I play.

I, myself, am a football guy. Call me crazy, but I own twenty-four football games.

My favorites being:

1. NFL 2K5 (PS2)

2. NFL 2K (Dreamcast)

3. NFL 2K (Dreamcast)

4. NCAA Football 2003 (PS2)

5. NFL 95 (MD/Genny)

Hmm... by the fact you mentioned NFL 2K twice I'll assume that the remaining 19 football games are other copies of NFL 2K (regular and sega all stars in the mix).
i find NHL is the only sport i can stomach period. On tv, in console, and out on the street. Oh yeah, street hockey brah, get the hell out of my way fore i smash ya in da f'ing face mudder fucker.
Picked up NHL2k5 the other day and played it on XBLive for the first time. I won my first 2 games both with the other player taking off. My third game was against a guy with a 23-2 record. It was 0-0 after 1 period and i thought to myself this is pretty fun, until the guy switched his shot aiming to manual and changed his team strategies. He then scored 2 goals exactly the same way by heading straight at the goalie and flicking the puck to the right a few feet away. I tied it up and then he decided to cheap by scoring 2 wrap around goals and 2 other crease cutting goals. Again i tied it up and even had a penalty shot goal even though he kept pressing pause as i headed toward the goal!!! We were in overtime when AGAIN! the idiot does a crease cutting goal to win the game. XX Harrington XX! you f'n prick!

BTW the game is great! Only 10 more teams to beat in the dream team mode. 🙂
ill be getting this when i get my xbox back. too bad the parents just decided to cancel our broadband :rant