has to do with emulation

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Ok, I'm just getting into emulation and roms.

I need to know, where is a good place to get saturn, dreamcast, and ps1/ps2 emulators/roms? and also sega cd roms and 32x roms?

Another question is, with the genisus, snes, nes, gameboy, n64, sega mastersystem, sega saturn, atari and everything else, what buttons on the keybord = the control buttons of an actual controler?

any help would be appreciated.
There are hundreds of emulators out there.

Just put "emulator" into Google, follow some links and start reading and learning about them for yourself.

As for ROMs/disc images etc, please don't ask about them here as it's against the rules. Again, try Google. It may take a while, but I'm sure that you'll find something useful.

I'm not going to lock this thread as others may have some useful pointers for you, but please refrain from asking such basic and broad questions in future. You can easily find these things out for yourself.

Specific questions are a whole other matter.
sorry, its just i don't know whereelse to ask, and yea i've tried google, but can't find anything.

Ok, but could some one (at least) tell me the controls? I've looked, i can't find it. Trust me, if i had the time, I'd really look into it, but at the time, i have no time.

No i don't mean to whine.

Sorry, I didn't know i was breaking the rules.
You can pretty much make any keys on the keyboard work for whatever button on the specific system controller.

Almost every emulator lets you map the keys to particular buttons. So if I want the C button on the Genesis to be the enter key, I can make it so. Also if you have a PC game controller, you can simply map the buttons in the emulator to the controller, its all automated you just hafta decide what button / key you want to do what.

I would highly recomend getting some sort of controller if you are going to get into playing emus on the pc.

As for where to find emulators, check out Zophars domain. Just do a search for it on google, it hasta be one of the best places to go.
Give easyEmu a look.

I am going to lock this now because you continue to be vague about the problem you're having and that's pissing me off. You haven't even named the emulator that you're trying to use. <_<

BTW if you have time to play games on an emulator, you have time to find out how to make it work.
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