Hello (intro)

Hello, my name is Master Zork, but you can just call me Zork. I've been looking to join these boards for a long time and I finally have...needless to say I am happy :D

I've finally found a community who is passionate about their experiences with Sega, their consoles and games alike that is not dead! I've been a pretty long time visitor I've just had problems registering before, but I've finally made it.

Thats all for the intro if you'd like to ask about me or something just go ahead.
It's a tough choice honestly... :/ The only ones I haven't played are the SG thing, Master System and Game Gear. I'm gonna go with Sega Saturn.
I had one of those kinds of monikers before... Lynda E. Tesh

now I may be horrible at English, but one of my professors who I made fun of all the time was crossing the line with making fun of my poor English skills. So for an assignment I interpreted a poem I had published under that moniker (the assignment was to interpret ANY published piece... he allowed movies and music as well... bleh) anyways, he flunked my paper saying that I got the interpretation all wrong.

He proceded to write his own interpretation and tell me that is what the poem meant.

I threw the paper and a the magazine it was published in at his face. Let me just say I got an A in the class.