How to play Radiant Silvergun

2 questions:

FIrst, how do you make the giant sword thing happen? It seems almost arbitrary. Every now and then I get lucky and get the giant closing sword which looks impressive but doesn't seem to do a whole lot of damage. Any info on this?

Second, at the end it goes into this loop. At first, I thought my disc was scratched! My question: What is the robot saying? It sounds like "Are wa kono chi" which seems like "That is life" or something. Can any japanese experts explain the ending to me? WHat happened??
Big sword: You know those pink-white projectiles that some enemies shoot? Press L or R to absorb them with the small sword. Then once your meter fills the large sword is available by pressing L or R.
Thanks for the help, but...

No walk-trhough I could find has a full translation!

I cannot find a translation of the ending sequence. Has anyone with a good ear for japanese plated through? Can you confirm that the game ends with a loop? Can you make out what the words of that loop are?
What is the best strategy (is there even one?) for Xigas 2nd form, when he shoots the buzzsaws?

First time you can dodge the buzzsaws by flying up and down at the right time, but after that the the buzzsaws flying like criss-cross and the Lasers to your left and right getting closer. It's the worst and hardest part of the whole game i think and every time i lose 1 to 2 lives here.
if you beat my RS high score and send me a pic I'll add it to the high score section 🙂

I did 206,270
I haven't played it in a while since my supergun died again, but my hiscore is over 3.000.000 points 😛
This is in fact not the answer of my question....

my score for Arcade Mode is over 7.000.000 - sorry, i have no digicam...maybe i have to ask friends about one
The secret about Xiga is to have your weapons powerful enough to allow you killing him before he changes form...

You have to do chains, that's the secret.

Do you play in 50Hz or 60 Hz ?
Yes, i know the gameplay very well.

I think the best way is flying from left to right and so on, to splitter the buzzsaws in more directions.

I play 60Hz
Ridley said:
What is the best strategy (is there even one?) for Xigas 2nd form, when he shoots the buzzsaws?

First time you can dodge the buzzsaws by flying up and down at the right time, but after that the the buzzsaws flying like criss-cross and the Lasers to your left and right getting closer. It's the worst and hardest part of the whole game i think and every time i lose 1 to 2 lives here.

His first volley of buzzsaws needs to be dodged by moving up and down. The second volley, by moving left and right. Not sure about it tho cause I always kill him before he starts it.

Be at the center of his two beams and use the lock-on plasma. (X I think)

It hits him multiple times due to multiple body parts and does ridiculous damage. Close on him the best you can and only absorb the 3rd, last volley of pink bullets. (you may also do 3 shots of the normal Spread (C) quickly before you resume doing lockon plasma)

If your level is maxed out, you'll only need to dodge one or two buzzsaws after the pink bullets, and wont even need to use the radiant sword.