I've found a second sun!


Established Member
I've found a second sun!

Well gentlemen, it seems that a small sun is growing inside my case. While I personally have nothing against suns, this one in particular is starting to worry me is all. You see, I just got motherboard monitor for shits and giggles and while my case temp remains at a nice 95 degrees my cpu seems to be at a boiling 233 degrees (F). This strikes me as odd. Would my bios not shut this down? I fear that this is innacurate on mobo monitors point and I cannot check the temp in my bios as I have no way of accessing them for reasons uknown. This must be an error I ventured.

I ran out to circuit city, got me a new heatsink and some arctic silver for 37 bucks all together. Applied a thin layer of silver to the center of the copper base of the heatsink after scraping off the thermal pad then running the copper bottom with nail polish. I then applied a thin layer - just enough to cover the cpu dye and put the two togehter. snapped them on and it's the exact same temp - 233 degrees.




Why would I get the exact same temperature after I did this with a new heatsink even! Dont make sense.

What can you suggest to me, my knowledge chums here at SX?
I've found a second sun!

Athlon xp 2500+

So whats up with that.

Do you think i didnt apply enough thermal paste? I did a thin layer like it said - just enough to cover the surfaces.
I've found a second sun!

Didn't you just recently install a new chip on your board, or did you get a new board all together, tha tmight have something to do with it...very strange.
I've found a second sun!

It is a possibility that the physical sensor on the motherboard that monitors temperature might be fried. In that case, I would look at maybe another avenue to check the temperature of the ambient air inside the case with another device of some kind and see if it matches what the bios indicates. The case temperature seems pretty high to me initially before you changed out the heatsink, etc. I currently have a custom PC setup with an Athlon XP 2500 with a 32+ or -5 degree case temperature and a processor temperature running at about 55 degrees under a heavy load. I added 2 Speeze fans on the case itself and also a Thermaltake Fan and Heatsink to the Processor. I had cooling problems which prompted me to purchase a new Chieftec case as well with all of the fans since my bios kept restarting my machine at 74 degrees C on the processor.
I've found a second sun!

Yeah, if it were really running at 233 you wouldn't be online right now. If the temp hasn't changed at all it's likely something's wrong with the sensor, or perhaps the multiplier isn't correct.
I've found a second sun!

I don't know about Athlons, but P4s slow themselves down if they get too hot

what's your room temp, BTW?
I've found a second sun!

And can you give those temps in C. F is not really used by anyone when gauging temps.

Go http://mbm.livewiredev.com/ there and find your mobo in the motherboard list. Make sure you got the sensors name right. The case temp should be the lowest, followed by the socket and then the diode.

Generally speaking your case temp shouldn't be more than 1 or 2 degrees higher than room temperature, if it is you need more fans in the case to move the hot air out.

The socket temp should remain stead at all times and only go up by a degree or 2 after prolonged heavy processing. The diode temp should move by 4-5 degrees rapidly and jump around as heavy processing occurs.

As long as the diode temp stays below 60C you'll be fine. Also putting on a thicker layer of arctic silver will increase the temp. You want it to be just thick enough to join the two surfaces.
I've found a second sun!

Screw... this

Ok now that that isnt bad enough my computer won't turn on at all. Remember how I said it would turn on for like a fraction of a seond and the only way to get it on is if i left the psu switch on all the time? Well now that doesnt work and no matter what way I have it it will now still only turn on for that same fraction of a second.

You dont think it could have been that i blew my cpu do you? What about the psu, i'm guessing that's the problem.
I've found a second sun!

Right, just thick enough to fill in the gaps. Air conducts poorly 😉

Anyway, those measurements are crap. Total crap. 233 F is over boiling, your CPU would be very very dead. 212 F = 100 C, max temp for an athlon is pretty high but not THAT high - and for reliability you don't want it above like 60C. P4s drop the clock to prevent overheating, modern Athlon rigs are nice in that they simply shut off. However - this is only done on modern motherboards + modern Athlons that support the temp diode in the Athlon die itself! Motherboards that do not have the necessary onboard logic must rely on their own temp diode built into the motherboard, which is often less accurate to begin with. But its still going to be a lot better than results spewed out by ghetto or incorrectly set up software monitoring.

What motherboard do you have? Have you checked the numbers in the BIOS? The BIOS should be handling temp warning and shutdown. I know my friend's Soltek with ABS II supports the new Athlons fully, so you can pop his HS/fan off and his computer will switch right off. My board and Athlon are both too old to have this, but the motherboard's monitoring should still be enough to prevent it from overheating under most circumstances. Didn't your board come with monitoring software designed to work with it, or perhaps they have it for download on their website? That would produce the numbers that the BIOS would, only better because it shows your computer under a given load instead of just idling at the BIOS.
I've found a second sun!

I would guess that your shitty PSU has damaged you motherboard. Maybe in combination with some kind of surge or brown out. There is no way you CPU is reading that high - you have the A7N8X deluxe, right? That has a feature that will shut the machine down if the CPU temp reaches (I think) about 75 degrees C.
I've found a second sun!

Originally posted by Gallstaff@Nov 12, 2003 @ 10:12 PM

Screw... this

Ok now that that isnt bad enough my computer won't turn on at all. Remember how I said it would turn on for like a fraction of a seond and the only way to get it on is if i left the psu switch on all the time? Well now that doesnt work and no matter what way I have it it will now still only turn on for that same fraction of a second.

You dont think it could have been that i blew my cpu do you? What about the psu, i'm guessing that's the problem.

If it doesn't turn on at all, its either the mainboard or the PSU. Otherwise, it should at least fire up. Try a different PSU or get that one tested if you don't have something handy that would work.
I've found a second sun!

haha, it's prob. the PSU. You shoulda listened to everyone when they said to get a better PSU. Hope yer shit isn't all blown.....hopefulyl it's just the PSU :-\
I've found a second sun!

shhh shut up

I'm using my computer now. It's just luck if the thing keeps on or not so my mobo cant be fried it's gotta be the psu.

*sigh* oh and I have an Asus A7V600 and a Barton 2500+

Oh and some antec hsf with copper base and fan running at 4500 rpm. Nothing great but better than the stock.
I've found a second sun!

You got any tech savy friends in your area? If so I'd suggest doing a piece by piece test of your hardware to see if you can figure out what's wrong. I keep a couple of pc's laying around for the sole purpose of testing components in.

Edit: I have a friend who may have a spare enermax psu he'd be willing to part with for cheap. I'll ask him.
I've found a second sun!

Meh, the only thing I didnt do right was the psu and that's really my fault cause I remember you said that I shouldn't skimp on it.

I should have listened. Oh well, I just sold my old guitar (2002 Hamer) for like 200 bucks so that should get me a new psu and some black drives.