Next Generation Consoles Are they really?

I've been playing video games since the 80s i was born with them and i've had them since the 90s LOL i gave up buying them when i sold my playstation with 20 games to my cousin for 70 dollars. I have to admit some old style games work well in 3D i always liked point and click adventure games and Grim fandango and Escape from monkey island were nicely done with 3D characters. I think that most the games today suck because all they're doing is copying last years best seller and putting new graphics to it. True this happend in the old days also. only newer games that intrest me is grand theft auto 3(i'm going to get it for the computer) because i find it fun to go insane on things sometimes. and the new resident evils intrest me(not enought to go out and buy the game cub) because i like the new look of them makes me finally think of the night of the living dead movies more.
I have two points then a theory,

1) I like games with quality story

2) I like games with a fun play system

This is quite easy to do when you had a lower bit system because all the know how was there, you already had the tools all you needed was an idea, but now days it takes so long just to get/make the tools for creating a game that the story and ideas end up getting mutilated along the way. An example which many of my PC Gaming brethren would understand is Jedi Knight II, a great game, and what allowed to be such a great game in my eyes is that they used an already created set of tools, all of the time spent on the game was used to make it better. The problem is now days that any new game has to have top of the line graphics, or sound, or features and we ignore what made teh old games great. No one played sonic for its life-like hedgehog graphics, we played it because it was fun. THe higher the hardware bar is raised these days it seems the more time is being spent making a pretty game than a good game.

In conclusion i want a new rpg with two dimensional sprite animated super deformed anime characters which is gigantic in scope, screw 3d i want a game that will take me a good while(a month at least) to finish.
I think the problem to some extent is misinterpretation of what people want. A lot of consumers eat up flashy graphics more than anything else and base their purchase on the flashy pictures. For some reason the only buyers the marketing divisions of Squaresoft, Capcom, etc listen to are these people. That's how you end up with Devil May Cry, Resident Evil Code: Rehashed-Engine-Again, Final Oxymoron VIII-MCLXVII, etc.

I think if consumers started being more critical of their games and looking just for the qualit of gameplay and storylines rather than the graphics, the marketing divisions would pick up on these trends and stop trying to pass off dog shit as gold.

Also, I don't really think there's such a thing as a 3D platform game. The platform genre was built entirely ont he concept of fast tight gameplay, lots of powerups, and challanging jumps with rock solid character control. I have yet to see any 3D free-roaming adventure engine achieve even one of those points (except Rockman Dash which had an assload of power-ups, most of which kind of sucked).
Capcom still make a lot of 2d games now, more than most companies by far. Plus Devil May Cry IS fantastic. I imagine the sequels will probably decrease in quality, as generally happens.
I got the game back in december. I played it about 15 minutes. It was the most boring, slow shit I have ever played. It seemed like an incredibly bad rehash of the Vampire Hunter D 3d adventure game on PSX. I have never played it since.

Give me NES Batman by Sunsoft over that crap any day.
And Sunsoft wasn't even a very major company. I have the Taiwan, Japanese, and US carts of Batman
Spy Hunter is a Midway game. Sunsoft might have had something to do with a console port, but it's not their game. Ditto for Lemmings, which was made by Psygnosis. I'm pretty sure that Sunsoft developed Blaster Master, though. Anyone know if the PSX sequel is any good? It seems it was released last November with about zero fanfare...
That is why companies like Sega must be praised by everyone, they continue to spend their time developing original and quality games. at least they try new things unlinke about every company out there.

hopefully they begin tossing alot of these hot original titles on ps2, market them well and show all of the Ps2 fanboys what sega is all about.

Throw square in the garbage until they realize beefing up the graphics and giving the main character a new neon suit and gap hairstyle every sequel of final fantasy will not give you sales and applause in the end.

Put EA out of the sporting business, .. well just because, thats why.

etc etc, help them dominate the world so we can all ride around on mutated dragoons who shoot lasers..
Originally posted by cherok@May 30 2002,23:54

help them dominate the world so we can all ride around on mutated dragoons who shoot lasers..

I never thought it possible but you have actually played TOO MUCH Elan Doree.
Originally posted by DBOY@May 31 2002,04:57

I got the game back in december. I played it about 15 minutes. It was the most boring, slow shit I have ever played. It seemed like an incredibly bad rehash of the Vampire Hunter D 3d adventure game on PSX. I have never played it since.

Give me NES Batman by Sunsoft over that crap any day.

Just becaus you didn't enjoy it doesn't mean it's a bad game..
Wow I have been gone for the past week, and I didn't know that this topic had gotten so popular. I applaud about the first twelve posts on this topic, they proved to be very inciteful, and fairly understood where I was coming from. Recently after taking a second look, I discovered the route that the ps2 and gba and Gc were taking. For one the ps2 has Virtua Fighter 4, which brings back the best of the old and improves the fighting genre in a way never thought possible. Sega managed to acheive outstanding well-balanced gameplay, and exceeded todays overrated graphical standards. And the gba is bringing back some of the best titles ever such as: Sonic Advance, Super Mario, Bomberman, King of Fighters, Street Fighter, and the list goes on. But I don't own a Gc so I can't say much except for Sonic Adventure Battle.

For awhile I was in a state of apathy
, and concerned about todays gaming industry, but after taking a second look I realized that there is still hope for sega and classic gaming. And what I like most about the Sx community is the unity and continuing support.
Originally posted by undertow@June 03 2002,17:54

Wow I have been gone for the past week, and I didn't know that this topic had gotten so popular. I applaud about the first twelve posts on this topic, they proved to be very inciteful, and fairly understood where I was coming from. Recently after taking a second look, I discovered the route that the ps2 and gba and Gc were taking. For one the ps2 has Virtua Fighter 4, which brings back the best of the old and improves the fighting genre in a way never thought possible. Sega managed to acheive outstanding well-balanced gameplay, and exceeded todays overrated graphical standards. And the gba is bringing back some of the best titles ever such as: Sonic Advance, Super Mario, Bomberman, King of Fighters, Street Fighter, and the list goes on. But I don't own a Gc so I can't say much except for Sonic Adventure Battle.

For awhile I was in a state of apathy
, and concerned about todays gaming industry, but after taking a second look I realized that there is still hope for sega and classic gaming(only if some people would stop the piracy that destroyed the Dreamcast). And what I like most about the Sx community is the unity and continuing support.

A small but fairly important point would be that pirating was not the sole reason for the DC's demise. Other reasons including buyer apathy (after Sega's other console failures) and poor marketing (especially here in Oz) were definately critical factors in the overall failure of the Dreamcast as a system.
Let me just add that it was inappropriate to reply to one mistake in my post instead of the whole thing. That was awfully rude but you are entitled to say what you please.

Putting a hault to internet piracy is something I feel strongly about.
Rude? Hmm...not quite what I expected. I did not make that reply in order to put you down at all, so I am sorry if it appeared that way. It was merely a minor correction of a small point that I felt needed clarification.

*sigh*I'll just stand in this here corner and forceably remove my foot from my mouth...again. Can't seem to say much right at the moment
It wasn't a "mistake", it was an opinion. Curtis happened to have a different opinion of that particular subject. It's hardly rude or inappropriate of him to say so.
