Nice to join the group (^v^)

Hi everyone. I'm new here to the Sega Xterem forums but by no means new to the world of Sega. I've been gaming on a Sega console ever since the Master System was released. I've been looking for a good Sega forum for quite some time now and have heard that this is the place to be :cool: I mostly hang out over at ASSEMbler and Dreamcast History where I am a Mod on both forums. they are great places that I recommend you all to check out as well as my own site Segagaga Domain

Time to check out the forums :)

Welcome to SX! Hope you enjoy your stay. :) :cheers :smokin: :thumbs-up:

Allow myself to introduce... myself.... :huh:

I'm Cloud, the resident Apple/Mac Fanboy :bow , die-hard $ony hater :hehehe: , Saturn Worshipper :bow , Virtua Fighter Expert :smokin: , and Phantasy Star Phanatic :thumbs-up: of the boards.
Over at ASSEMbler we have our very own Mac worshiper also :lol: But I got to say that I'm not such a great fan of Sony :ph34r:

Originally posted by Yakumo@Nov 12, 2003 @ 11:27 AM

Over at ASSEMbler we have our very own Mac worshiper also :lol: But I got to say that I'm not such a great fan of Sony :ph34r:


I like this guy already! :cool: :D :p :cheers :smokin: :thumbs-up:
neither do I, but I don't express it as much as SOME people.

my dislike has much more to do with stuff other than games
Welcome! :thumbs-up:

You've just joined the best sega diehard fans community on the net! :cheers

Be warned.. you may become a SX addict :p

Note... I don't also express my dislikes in here... but I am proud to say that I've never touched a psx pad :D let alone a sony's console. :lol:

SEGA :bow :bow
Welcome !

I just look at your website quickly, and there's a lot of interesting stuff ...
Stupid, annoying people aren't tolerated, so you have quite a number of intelligent people here. Except Cloud, who we keep as entertainment.

I'm kidding. :lol:

Enjoy your stay.