Nintendo and E3


Staff member
What will you see from Nintendo at the upcomming E3 event?

Zelda stuff, a new Gameboy, tons of DS stuffs, Mario 128(?), Revolution (Not as a playable console though), and a bunch of other cool stuff.

I can't wait to see what DS stuff they have up thier sleeves.

Thanks to Spong for the info.

BTW, is anybody here actually attending the E3 next month?
No... but if it goes as it usually does we'll get nonstop e3 news until december.

EDIT: And then we'll get nonstop e3 2k6 rumors :)
IceMan2k said:
What will you see from Nintendo at the upcomming E3 event?
BTW, is anybody here actually attending the E3 next month?

Let's hope you'll go to the E3 and make a nice report for us :)
I may come with a bicycle but I'll never be there in one month.
I almost went a few years back (the year the PS2 came out). My employer was a distributor for Interplay, and offered industry passes for any who wanted to go. However, loding and food was up to you.