playing SCD games with Mega Mouse

my "new" mega mouse arrived from an ebay auction today (box was open but it looks unused and mouse pad was still in plastic wrapper)

I'll be damned if I can get it to work with my games though. can someone give me some directions here?

the SCD doesn't seem to boot at all if the mouse is in the 1st controller port. if its in the 2nd controller port, the system at least boots and loads the game. however, when I get to the title screen for Mad Dog McCree, I can't select any options, either with the mouse or the regular 6 button controller in port 1. I also tried Mansion of Hidden Souls. I can move around with the regular controller but the mouse doesn't seem to do anything. both of those games are supposed to work with the mouse. I also tried Theme Park for the heck of it but no luck there either.

fyi, I don't have the manuals for any of these games, I don't know if there are instructions for the mouse there.
well i only played mansion of hidden souls and you have to select to use the mouse in the options menu...

oh and it does have to be in the second controller port

when i get home at 8 am est... ill read my mansion of hidden souls manual and post the exact directions.