Sega CD - Static

Hey everyone.

First of all, thanks for helping me with my previous Sega CD-related problems! Thanks to the help of several forum members, I've been able to get my Sega CD up and running with few issues!

Anyway, here's my latest problem - I have noticed that there's a lot of Static on the screen when I'm using the Sega CD (Model 2) with my Sega Genesis (Model 1). I was wondering, is there a way to improve the quality of the output? What factors, besides the chosen channel, could be the cause of this? (Note: All plugs are firmly in place, including the RF Unit.)
Other electrical equipment can cause static e.g. PC's tvs. Then again it could be the shielding on the cable you are using isnt too great if its a 3rd party cable.
The RF Unit is the official one that came with the Genesis. As for other electrical devices, a PS2 and VCR are close by the Sega CD. However, the Genesis games show up perfectly, but the Sega CD games have a lot of static. Could there be any other causes?
How are the Genesis and Sega CD attached to power? Are they both plugged in to the same outlet/powerstrip? What's else is on the same circuit as the Sega CD?

The only thing I can think of is that the Sega CD has a really noisy ground for some reason. That's the only signal that they share that should have any effect on the video output.
Originally posted by Malakai@Sun, 2005-03-06 @ 12:31 AM

I've had that problem with an RFU unit, but I got it solved by switching to composite cables (rca).

[post=130979]Quoted post[/post]​

That's a good idea, but where can I get RCA plugs for a Sega Genesis (Model 1)? Is there a generic brand I can use, or do I need official Sega cables?
Well, I can tell you how to make a SCART connector for it...

Here is the pinout for a scart connector.


1 Audio right out

3 Audio left (or mono)

4 Audio return

7 Blue out

5 blue return

11 green out

9 green return

15 red out

13 red return

19 sync out

17 sync return

21 shield

So go buy yourself a scart male head mount and a "8 pin din" plug like this.

Then using the pinout of the sega genesis wire the cables accordingly. Use a guide like gamesx supplies. Use ground on the genny side as the returns/shield on the scart side.

Or you can wire up RCAs to it by using the composite and audio jacks and using the ground again as the return for both of them.

If you really want to purchase them you can hunt ebay for genny1 AV cables, amiga 8pin din AV cables, or go to a local computer store that specializes in old computer stuff and ask if the can hook you up with an "Amiga/Commodore 8 pin din AV cable"