Sega Saturn IRC Channels

I'm looking for a sega saturn irc channel or a sega irc channel for addional resources for games besides the ftps listed here. Thanks
there is no sega-isos on dalnet.. the channel you're referring to is sega-iso..

however, i can only guarantee that 1 dedicated saturn channel exists on IRC.. 😉

Hi all- im kinda new to this- sooo i was wondering if someone could tell me what is irc chat, and how do you use it? please give details, id appreciate it.- thanks in advance! 🙂
I try to log onto dalnet server but it says that I need to run IDENT in order to log onto their server due to misusage of the server or something? Does anyone know what the problem here is?

In the little box that pops up with the list of servers, there is a little plus sign next to connect. Click and more options will show up. Select the third one below Connect {Ident} and select "Enable Ident Server". Pick a User ID, Make sure it says UNIX, then select the checkbox that says "Show Req." and "Enable when Connecting".

Then go back to the left and click Local Info. Make sure where it says "On connect always get..." that local host & IP address are checked, as well as just below that under LookUp method, it says server.

Be warned that you are going to have to register your nickname on dalnet. In the status window it will tell you what to do. After you get that taken care of, type this to get into a channel:

/join #<channelname>

so if it was #sega-iso

/join #sega-iso

Hope this helps... 😀 😀
You can visit #segasaturn on

I know, it's a portuguese server but on #segasaturn we speak English as well, and you can even access our ftp iso

Go see for yourself
Originally posted by Cynnamin@Sep. 28 2001, 6:37 pm

In the little box that pops up with the list of servers, there is a little plus sign next to connect. Click and more options will show up. Select the third one below Connect {Ident} and select "Enable Ident Server". Pick a User ID, Make sure it says UNIX, then select the checkbox that says "Show Req." and "Enable when Connecting".

Then go back to the left and click Local Info. Make sure where it says "On connect always get..." that local host & IP address are checked, as well as just below that under LookUp method, it says server.

Be warned that you are going to have to register your nickname on dalnet. In the status window it will tell you what to do. After you get that taken care of, type this to get into a channel:

/join #<channelname>

so if it was #sega-iso

/join #sega-iso

Hope this helps...

the real problem is that dalnet sucks

the following are on efnet

#segaiso #segacd-iso #scdiso #saturn #3do-cdi-iso
i dunno whos kicking you iceman, its prolly cause the anti spam scripts thing that your a spammer ( usualy a problem if theres a # in your name). im an op there, and ive never seen you though.
well, it seems dalnet is dying, so im trying to set up a new channel on ,#Saturn-isos same as the old dal channel. any of the old ops/servers from there just leave a message here and join up ill be gald to give you ops.