Lunar SSS English Patch

Translating Lunar Silver Star Story 1.5.1

The only items added to SSSC were the rememberizer and a few bromides, so it should be in there. I think JestroZooks was able to get it but not the tear... so maybe a flags issue, depending when each of you updated the patch vs your progress at the time?
I will load the original untranslated version to confirm. Close to the end.
Obviously still happens...
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Well I feel like a jerk now. As I was playing the newest build I noticed that the Holy Armor was just fine and the piece of sprite was the shopkeeper in the background due to the transparent windowing. Really sorry about that.

The Wings and Barrier Ring fixes work well.

One question I have is about an item I can't get my normal way but it may be a SSS/SSC difference again that I'm unaware of. Before heading to the Grindery I usually pick up the Gale Ring from Lily, Hell Ring from Damon, and the Ghaleon's Tear from Lann's Chief. The first two I've gotten but the Chief never gives me the Ghaleon's Tear. I think he's saying the same text obviously but I don't receive anything. Would you know if that item is even in this version or do I have my timing off?

Also I'm not really sure what's happening in the different builds but I'm back to this one not working on the Fenrir ODE. Boots fine in BizHawk to test on computer and runs great on a disc in my VSaturn that still has an original drive. Of course I don't think this should be your burden it's just weird to me that 1 and 1d won't work but 1c will.
Didn't see this, but I've only ever gotten the iso to work in Fenrir. Just put that in its own folder. I name it 01.iso
Beat the game, was ready to take control of Alex at the epilogue and the game freezes right at that point.
Tried again, same thing, freeze for eternity. Also, had some graphics corruption in Phacias character portrait in the last area.
Also, has a weird bug when Althena/Luna is shooting lighting at Alex; in the Japanese version Alex falls and it loads the movie sequence. In this version it kind of crashes, but you can keep walking up and get it to load the last movie sequence.


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Thanks for the update. Im not really sure whats causing the data corruption on that image as it exists in SSS. The portrait prior to it is new.. but i guess that ones fine. I would probably need a save to debug both that and the epilogue.
Ill doublecheck the lightning.. i think there was a script alteration that may explain that odd behavior. Yeah right where the lightning is the commands are different. Ill revert them and see if that fixes the issues.
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Will be hard to get you those save files. Using original hardware.

Shouldn't be too hard to write a quick Saturn program to read the save data, encode it to audio, and play it. Using an RCA to 3.5 mm adapter you would then record it on your PC. It's basically a one-way modem. Maybe 100 bits a second throughput?

Barring of course the Netlink, Comms link card, Floppy disk drive, and new Pseudo Saturn carts with SD cards (not sure if you can transfer saves, I assume you can).
Alright, I'll do it. Show me the way.
I could also mail my backup ram cart. Sadly, the saturn gamers carts with sd card slots are unavailable. (unlikely to be made again)
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How big is the save data by the way? If I were to do this I would use Jo Engine.

1) Jo Engine has a sample showing how to use the backup memory. johannes-fetz/joengine. I would read the save data to main memory as step 1.
2) Depending on the size of the save, it might be possible to treat each bit as "dot" or "dash" like in morse code. So I would have two PCM files, one representing 0, and the other representing 1 and treat my file as a long bit string.
3) On the PC side, once you have the audio, write a program to convert it back to binary. I'm not sure what APIs exist for this, I can do a little research.

If you are serious about attempting this I'm willing to help.
Absolutely, I have some free time tomorrow. Will be available after 930am central time. The save is 129, not sure what that is in kb.
Try this build @cww80
It reverts text42 to use the SSS commands in the script. Probably doesnt fix the Phacia picture, but i think it will fix the lightning scene and subsequent crash. I'll try to get the debug script (text7) running, I had some mild success at one point. If it works, I might be able to jump to the end of the game that way.


It works better (Perfect! What was working Designs thinking altering it?) at the Luna as Althena scene, but unfortunately still freezes when you gain control in the Epilogue.
I accidentally overwrote the Phacia portrait part. I didn't realize I was limited to 3 saves per ram type. Grr. Action Replay lets you save duplicates, but it's impossible to know what's, what...

Btw, I currently started another file. Want to confirm that everything is working as it should. No more duplicate White Dragon Wings, etc
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At what point in the epilogue does it freeze? Are there any text boxes displayed? Or does it freeze right after the movie?
It freezes right after the initial exchange between the party members. Basically as soon as you are about to control Alex with Luna in the party.
In my current playthrough with the latest patch, I received Luna's Bromide 1 and not 2 after Ghaleons big coming out. According to various walkthroughs its supposed to be Luna's Bromide 2. On my completed file as soon as I enter the epilogue it disappears from my inventory and then Ramus gives Luna's Bromide 1 and not 2.


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In my current playthrough with the latest patch, I received Luna's Bromide 1 and not 2 after Ghaleons big coming out. According to various walkthroughs its supposed to be Luna's Bromide 2. On my completed file as soon as I enter the epilogue it disappears from my inventory and then Ramus gives Luna's Bromide 1 and not 2.

Luna's Bromide 2 isn't in Silver Star Story, it was added in Complete. Other Bromides were moved around going from Silver Star Story to Silver Star Story Complete. Double check this page to see if they're still not correct:
