Where are the dev/translations, etc old sections ?

Hi folks,

It's a long time since I've been here, and I found out that only the forum is left, the old sections are gone. They were useful, especially the translations and Saturn dev ones, because they're quite unique. Have they gone somewhere else ?


Fortunately, you missed a couple of dramatic situations regarding SX in the last few years. They're temporarily unavailable.
There are limited sections available in the 'Segaxtreme' menu at the top of the page. I assume there will be a cosmetic update soon to make these sections more visable.
mtxblau said:
Fortunately, you missed a couple of dramatic situations regarding SX in the last few years. They're temporarily unavailable.

I've actually been gone a long time myself. Even if someone doesn't want to post in an open message what these situations were because of potential drama issues, I'd love to be brought up to date through a PM or something. This place is definitely radically different than when I did most of my posting here.