where is

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Well, I don't know where everyone else has been latly, but "Ragnarok Online" is what has been eating away at my time for about the past week.

(Edited by Fabrizo at 10:41 am on July 21, 2002)
hey!Ive been around...just not alot of other people have been.This place will pick up in the next couple of months for sure!Nintendo has alot of great games coming out...So, any idea when that upgrade is taking place?
I'm working on it as we speak, but I'm trying to be really careful with the installation as I don't want NX to run into the same problems as SX did.

I should hopefully have it up (without the colour and image mods done) by Wednesday.
Mario, Metroid, RE0, Zelda, Star Fox Adventures etc etc etc

It's going to be killer couple of months soon for the Tendo fanboy :)
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