Wireless NES and SNES Controller

I saw that they had some available, so I bit the bullet and just ordered the set of two. I figured that I'm not gonna be getting a DS right now because of the lack of games, so I'll try my luck, and use that money to buy these. I'll let you guys know how they are when I recieive them
I have a wireless keyboard/mouse (logitech mx duo) and i love em to death......would never go back to wired again.
BJammzz said:
I have a wireless keyboard/mouse (logitech mx duo) and i love em to death......would never go back to wired again.
Just out of curiosity, how long do the batteries for the keyboard last (and under what conditions.)

Nadius of Rome said:
I saw that they had some available, so I bit the bullet and just ordered the set of two. I figured that I'm not gonna be getting a DS right now because of the lack of games, so I'll try my luck, and use that money to buy these. I'll let you guys know how they are when I recieive them
Please do!
I use my keyboard for hours every day...the mouse has a stand to recharge. The batteries in the keyboard have lasted prob. over 200hrs of use. I am usin the pc for 3ish hrs a day easy almost every damn day (prob. averages to 3hrs a day over the 365days). and I am on the stock batteries... I put the mouse on the stand maybe once a week if that, takes maybe 1.5-2hrs to full charge. the charger is built into the reciever that u plus into the PC so it's not liek an extra thing as well.
Got the controllers in the mail yesterday. I'm pleased by the quality of the pads. They're very responsive, and the 'cycloid' style D pad isn't as awful as I thought it would be, it's actually pretty nice.
My only gripe though, has to do with the layout.
Because they're like the orginal dogbone nes controllers, the buttons aren't aligned with my thumb, So it's difficult to get comfortable while in a position to use both buttons at the same time (like when running and jumping in mario).
I'll post pics later.

  /              \
  ( ( B ) ( A )

__/         \
   ______( A)__|___ 
  /              \
  ( ( B ) 
__            /
Solution = Use your fingers, not your thumb!

Why do you think PlayStation games are now resorting to using the L + R buttons for the primary buttons? Eh, eh? True that the SNES had the same button layout, but it wasn't as anti-fingers as the PS pads! Japanese Saturn pads all the way!

I had a funny conversation with someone who insisted that usnig your thumb was just as good (or better) than using your fingers. I said "Try playing Mega Man X using your thumb." This game involves holding down the shoot button for keeping the big shot charged, whilst doing skid jumps. The shoot button is usually the left button, the skid is the right button, and the jump is in between. Impossible to do with your thumb. ;)
Okay after playing several games I was almost gonna give these pads a must have reccommendation.

I was playing Castlevania III and I found the weakness of these pads when i was controlling Grant. Now Grant, as alot of you might know, has the ability to climb walls and crawl on the ceiling. Having to push up on the ceiling and then go up right on the pad was fine. But going left when on the ceiling wasn't working, grant would just fall. I had to push hard digonally up/left to get him to move left while on the ceiling. Now it was always kinda tough to control grant, but it wasn't impossible. I tried the other controller, and it had pretty much the same issue. (Original NES controllers have a minimal issue with it)

Okay i thought- maybe it's just Castlevania III. So i popped in TMNT2 and tried going diagonally with Leo, but it was tough- i had to go up/left/up/left.... But again, pushing hard would do the trick. SO.... I'm thinking of filing off the inner ring of the circle pad, thinking it will give the cycloid pad thing a little more freedom, but i'm gonna contact their tech support first.
But yeah, other than that, it's pretty neat.

Here are those pictures:



Oh and these things seem to make my hands pretty sweaty, but it just might be the heat here in LA.