Recent content by Herbster

  1. H

    Replacing parts in Jap Saturn with Euro parts

    As my Saturn has recently developed a fault that appears to be a dying lazer. Can I use parts from a UK 50Hz Saturn to replace parts in a Jap 60Hz Saturn? I have tried adjusting the orange screw as previously advised but that hasn't helped. Thanks for any help. Herbster
  2. H

    Help!! Saturn not working properly.

    Hi Quakester, Thanks for the reply. I've got it to a point where the slightest touch clockwise and it won't read the disk but the drive starts to spin quickly. Then slightest touch anti-clockwise and it's back to staggering again. Does this mean I need a new laser? Cheers for any help.
  3. H

    Help!! Saturn not working properly.

    I have a Jap Saturn that only today has stopped working. All games, be it original or backup either don't load or load at a slow staggery pace. Anyone else had this problem? The Saturn is modded to run backups.