Recent content by rroden12

  1. R

    Need a newSaturn :-(

    Denton, Tx
  2. R

    Need a newSaturn :-(

    Owing to a series a very bad events, my Saturns fried :( If anyone has a moddable Saturn they'd be willing to sell me let me know, I'd be most grateful :bow (Don't have the cash to try my luck with Ebay)
  3. R

    Linux SegaCD/Saturn Burning HOWTO

    I've written a bash script which generates the TOC with the help of this thread. #!/bin/bash for i in *.[mM][pP]3; do mpg123 -w "$i.wav" "$i";rm "$i";done touch game.toc.tmp; echo "CD_ROM" >> game.toc.tmp; echo "TRACK MODE1" >> game.toc.tmp; for i in *.[iI][sS][oO]; do echo...