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  1. V

    sat conv question

    ok. what i want to know is: if i change the country with sat conv to US, can i still use the capcom or snk cartridge to boot my games(ie vampire savior, real bout fatal fury special.....)?
  2. V

    Top 5 dreamcast games

    Guilty Gear X Ikaruga Street Fighter Alpha 3 Jet Set Radio Space Channel 5 part 2 random order.
  3. V

    help!uk saturn 50/60hz mod!

    weird. if it does that, then normally, it's your TV that has a problem.
  4. V

    help!uk saturn 50/60hz mod!

    ok. i just modded a pal 50hz sat into a jap 60 hz sat and added a gamegizmo modchip. and it was the exact same model as yours. so, all you have to do is link the 2 sides of jp1. i'm positive about this. as for the other jp, you gotta search a lil bit. jp10, 11, 12 and 13 are on the same side...
  5. V

    help!uk saturn 50/60hz mod!

    no, no, no. on the 1st model saturn you only have to solder the 2 JP1 points. that's all.
  6. V

    I guess I won't be needing a 20 pin mod chip.

    I guess I won't be needing a 20 pin mod chip. did the same with mine 2 days ago........ now i'm searchin' for a new model 2.