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  1. T

    Broken Genesis

    I recently purchased a model II genesis at a thrift shop over here...plug it in (with plugs I know work) and I get nothing. Opened it up, no noticable damage to the PCB. Are there any common problems I should be looking for?
  2. T

    Genesis cart list

    I've taken it upon myself to collect a copy of every single genesis game released in north america. As you can probably tell, it'll be just a wee bit could somebody help me out with a cart list? I've found normal cart lists with the games and their publishers, but I haven't seen one...
  3. T

    Fixing genesis carts

    Okay, i bought Zoop from Funcoland and recieved Kid Chameleon from a friend...neither cart "works". Both show the "Produced by or under license from Sega Enterprises, LTD" screen, but go directly to a black screen after that. I cleaned both carts with "Goo Gone" (citrus stuff, works wonders for...