sms and nes flash carts


Established Member
hey hows it going yall.... uh... well to my point, im building a sms flash cart and the writer that connects it to the computer ( I was wondering if someone knows of something like it for the nes... something that would allow me to send a save file from my nes emulator to my nes cartridge. (not flash but a legite copy of zelda 2, id like to continue it over on console)

it probably can't be done, but hey it never hurts to try...
it's not possible in any easy way because of all the different mappers that nes had. There's just to many to integrate onto the cart for it to work with any decent number of games.
Originally posted by gameboy900@Mar 28, 2004 @ 03:57 AM

it's not possible in any easy way because of all the different mappers that nes had. There's just to many to integrate onto the cart for it to work with any decent number of games.


I can't help but picture a cartridge ten feet long, containing all one hundred something mappers. XD
Originally posted by Tagrineth+Mar 29, 2004 @ 02:34 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tagrineth @ Mar 29, 2004 @ 02:34 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-gameboy900@Mar 28, 2004 @ 03:57 AM

it's not possible in any easy way because of all the different mappers that nes had. There's just to many to integrate onto the cart for it to work with any decent number of games.


I can't help but picture a cartridge ten feet long, containing all one hundred something mappers. XD [/b][/quote]

You could use one CPLD or FPGA to emulate all the mappers. Of course programming in support for that many mappers would be rather tedious.
Not to mention that some of the "mappers" are a lot more than simple latch+decoder ROM mappers; some of them have RAM, timers, IRQ triggers, enhancements to graphics addressing, and other special features. Just designing an MMC5 implementation, for example, would be a project in itself; never mind stuff like the Konami VRC6/7 which contain FM synths.

edit: incidentally, nobody actually answered the original question, which wasn't about an NES flash cart. There are interfaces that will work for reading/writing carts, but most of them are old designs that require ISA. I don't have bookmarks handy but you might want to Google for "IO-56".