Saturn - Netlink v3.0

If someone sends it to me I will put it up on an HTTP site for awhile provided it works. That way you don't have to deal with ratio's/user limits of FTP's...
I've sent out the ISO to FLEABttn however, I've been advised by lordbat that "Before you post the iso, give me a chance to try to update the version 3.0 browser. it is much neater cd layout, smaller size." So other than having someone confirm that it works with the 2.0 layout, I don't plan on putting it on the net until I get the smaller version.... TTFN

I'm downloading the newer updated 3 to 4 from lordbat right now... I will test it out... I already tried the v2 to v4 version he did... and it worked great.... so as soon as I know this newer version works... I will post an update on here...
It's cool to hear that someone was able to make it work! Just be sure to share the wealth of this working 4.0 disc when it is ready!
Well I just tried it... and it does work well... I didn't have any problem.... now I just need to buy a new keyboard... so I don't always have to keep taking the one from my computer.. =^_^=
One quick thing if anyone else is using a Scandinavian keyboard though the adapter: the v4 browser loses the umlaut-characters (åäö). They're still available through the on-screen keyboard, but otherwise you're stuck with an American keymap.