Which state sucks the most?

i was thinking though throughout the night, there is one good thing about florida... the amazing people ive meet here. Myself and a select few of my friends i can see and know they are going to go on to do amazing things. not financially or nothing. Just there people that give to humanity so much. There wants in this world are to better mankind... I LOVE that about em'
The state, as a whole? High taxes, not a ton of good jobs?

I can't say the state as a whole, although at least they don't have bass ackwards liquor laws like many of the Western states. However, at least in NY many of the smaller towns are at least kind of cool, and of course NYC is awesome. Without NYC I probably wouldn't vote for the state as a whole though, no.

What was yer bad experience?

I'd rather not say. 😉
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Jul 21, 2004 @ 11:25 AM

So when is California going to sink into the ocean?

All those crazy yahoos are there.

Dunno, but it probably wouldn't even affect the surfer population.
schi0249, recent events have reminded me: you forgot a major one in your poll.

EDIT: not that there's anything wrong with being gay. New Jersey is already a crappy state.

EDIT2: not as bad as Iowa though