Update (14/03/2025)
- Disabled changing the cursor color for now as there seems to be an issue that i can't find right now causing gdmenu to black screen, This will only effect people who still use gdmenu and choose to customise the font color but i've disabled it for now, Changing the other colors still work though.
- Added an extra check at the end of the process to make sure 1ST_READ.BIN is preset in the gdmenu folder as when not ran as administrator this can happen, Now if that's the case you will see the error message prompting you to try again rather than still bring up the message saying it was complete, I have also tweaked everything to try to make that happen less.
Update (09/03/2025)
- Added a software updater so it's easier to stay upto date in the future.
- Updated OpenMenu box art again thanks to dubcity.
Update (07/03/2025)
- I believe i've fixed an issue with it not moving the altered 1ST_READ.BIN over when it should resulting in gdmenu not being built correctly and causing a black screen.
- Updated GDMENU Card Manager to v2.0.1
- Updated OpenMenu box art thanks to dubcity.
Update (08/10/2024)
- Added the ability for you to add -offline to the 'GDMenu HD Theme Manager' filename, for example 'GDMenu HD Theme Manager -offline.exe' to bypass the updater and go straight to the theme manager if you wanted, or if you are having issues launching it on linux because of the updater.
- Made sure all the current OpenMenu themes and ini files are included (all themes upto today's date) as well as having 10 custom OpenMenu themes already pre-setup for you just like i've done with the GDMenu style themes for OpenMenu, Now when you boot up 'GDMenu Card Manager' and add OpenMenu to your sd card it will automatically add all these themes i've setup or you can change them to alternatives beforehand if you want.
Update (26/09/2024)
- Changed the PVR color format in both apps from ARGB1555 to RGB565 as per recommendation from derek (ateam) which should result in a nicer looking theme image.
- Fixed an issue where trying to overwrite a theme could result in it not creating the pvr's in 'Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator'.
- Fixed an issue where if you exit out of the 'Current Themes' window in 'Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator' without applying a theme it resulted in the main themes list being messed up until you reload the app.
Update (25/09/2024)
- Added OpenMenu presets to the updater, Now any i store online will be automatically downloaded.
Preview of the Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator app
Update (23/09/2024)
- Changed the 'Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator' color options to the correct ones.
- Added Presets for color options to 'Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator'. (Add your theme.ini to the Assets/OpenMenu/Presets folder and name it as your theme name)
- Added 'Creator' and 'Date' info to the 'Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator' downloaded themes.
Preview of the Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator app
Update (19/09/2024)
- Fixed a slight issue with it not counting the offline covers correctly.
- Added the ability to download OpenMenu themes on launch just like the rest of the themes.
- Updated the OpenMenu template.
- Added a blue version of the dreamcast OpenMenu theme i previously included.
- Updated the icon for my 'GDMenu Theme Preview Generator' to match the others.
Preview of the Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator app
Update (05/09/2024)
- Fixed a slight issue with 'GDMenu Theme Preview Generator' that caused the disc section to be slightly off.
- Added my new app 'Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator'. (slightly altered for better integration)
- Updated OpenMenu's menu data to: OpenMenu RC1.1, I believe i had already previously added it but just incase i updated everything.
- Added the 'Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator' template to the templates folder and readme file.
Preview of the Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator app
The Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator app is specifically for making OpenMenu themes and not GDMenu style themes.
When the app has finished making the OpenMenu theme it will automatically be copied to the SD Card Managers/GDMENU Card Manager/tools/openMenu/menu_data/theme/ folder, Just ensure that is correct before getting GDMENU Card Manager to rebuild OpenMenu.
Update (16/06/2024)
- Fixed the theme manager updater as it wasn't correctly downloading new themes.
- Updated the theme preview generator app to get custom font colors working again.