GDMenu/OpenMenu HD Theme Manager (All-In-One Package)

GDMenu/OpenMenu HD Theme Manager (All-In-One Package) 1.21

  • Author Author RazorX
  • Creation date Creation date
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Update (09/09/2021) - Updated my theme manager to be able to better preview the HD themes as well as download them from online so any theme i create or others create and send me i can add to the online section and they will simply appear on the app for you to download and use. (Clicking download will automatically apply that theme as well so you won't have to do that after)
Also updated my preview generator to version 0.6c and changed it to save the images as jpg, i have been messing around with it lately and that just seems like the best format to use overall given it is just a preview.






UPDATE (08/09/2021) - Fixed an issue with my theme preview generator app which caused it to take longer to close, I also had an issue with some of the preview png files so i changed the resolution to 960p and format to bmp.
I also added an Illbleed HD theme i just made.
UPDATE (07/09/2021) - Removed some of the editing options as they were breaking others, I also tweaked the sizes of some of the menus and moved a few things around.
Also added a green version of my hd pso theme a long with a green font color preset as well as a spongebob hd theme 😀
GDMenu Theme Manager:

GDMenu Theme Preview Generator:



Update (07/09/2021) - A much needed update to my theme generator app, Now you can customize the font color to better match how you have your theme setup as well as customize the list of games it displays.
The app also now supports having themes in Assets\HD and Themes, if you have some in both it will ask you which one to use at startup.
Update (04/09/2021) - Added the ability to use any filesize font, Just put the font image in 'Assets\HD' and call it font_8x16.png then click Apply on the option to enable it under 'Advanced - Customize Options' and continue as normal.
I also updated my theme generator app, it's now more clear you can click the image to view a larger adjustable version.
I have also added a 'SEGA' VMU image under 'Assets\VMU' for you to use if you wish and i have also slightly updated my hd theme template and readme.
Made some improvements to the ability to use HD themes, Now all you do is add your HD themes (as any name but still .png) in 'Assets\HD' and when you click apply under advanced settings you will see this:

Now just select the theme you want to apply and click Accept and you're good to go and just need to click Scramble and do the usual from there.
I have also included the HD pso theme i made and HD versions of my friend Riggles bios styled themes.




Updated: (01/09/2021)
Added support for disabling the PVR disc image preview and also the game info, I have also added support for you to use your own larger filesize texture.png so in order to do that you must put your texture.png in to the Assets folder and on the app just click 'Import Theme' with any theme selected then click 'Save' and under 'Advanced - Customize Options' click 'Enable Larger Size Image' then continue to click 'Scramble' as normal.
Now when you launch the included 'GDEMU_SD 1.10' and rebuild the menu and boot it up on the dreamcast you will see your higher quality theme.

I've also set it up so if there is an update you can now click on the 'New Update Available' text to have it take you to the download site as well as updated my 'GDMenu Theme Preview Generator' to v0.2 which lets you click the preview to get a larger version which can be maximized or the size adjusted manually.




Updated: (30/08/2021)
To edit the default GDmenu vmu icon when in GDMenu simply go into the Assets/VMU folder and inside you will see two text files, One is the default ascii art and one is mine like you see in the picture above.
I recommend opening one of those text files with HxD and clicking on View and then click Bytes per row and change it to 48 then on the Decoded text section you should see the text icon you're looking to alter and once done save it under a different named txt file.

Once you have your txt file made simply go to Advanced Settings on my app and click Customize Options and open up your VMU Icon txt file and it will apply it, You can also see a preview of it after it's applied by clicking the preview button.

On the VMU screen it will look different to the preview, Where you see # will be blank and where you see spaces in the preview you will see black text.










Updated: (01/06/2021)
Had some people say some of the menu's were cut off for some reason so now you are able to manually resize them if that's ever an issue for you.
I have also replaced the optional 'GDEMU Games List Generator v1.3' with 'GDEMU Games List Generator v1.3 Mini' which is just a smaller version of the original again for similar reasons of some people saying some of it was cut off for them.
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