Update (08/05/2023) - Changed the vmu preview button to allow you to simply browse and select the vmu icon file you want to see instead of having to apply it first as well as improved the preview look to closer reflect what you'd see on the actual vmu in terms of color.
Added a built in vmu icon creator so there is no need to mess around with downloading something like HxD and using that to create your vmu icon.
Update (07/05/2023) - Updated 'GDMenu Theme Preview Generator' to v1.03 and added support for 'GDMenu Theme Manager' font color presets, when selecting a preset it will automatically be applied and saved and the RGB boxes and Apply button will be disabled as they're not needed, However if you select the blank preset then will be re-enabled if you choose to enter your own RGB values.
Update (06/05/2023) - Just some code fixes and improvements as well as an update to the 'GDMenu Theme Preview Generator' app to also remove the build in color wheel in favor of just a link to the webpage to prevent crashing for some people, I also disabled the 'Font Color' window from closing so it's easier to mess with the font color on the fly as well as added a little box that will also show the color for the RGB value you entered.
Also on 'GDMenu Theme Manager' i have added a 'Click Here' link that will appear when the app detects the version you're running is lower than the currently released one, It will show up under News to the right of where it will say 'NEW UPDATE AVAILABLE:' and tell you the version number.
Update (04/05/2023) - with HD themes being the way to go now i have removed some of the old options which aren't really useful anymore to simplify the look as well as redid the readme so it's focused on just what you need to do in order to apply a theme.
Also had a few users comment that when trying to adjust the font colors it would crash because of the online color wheel element so i have removed it and just added a link to the one i was using so there shouldn't be anymore crashes due to that.
I have also altered the Apply button for importing a custom HD font (older fonts also work) in Advanced ~ Customize Options so rather than you having to manually place the font in the correct place it will bring up a window for you to select the font you want and put it in the correct place and name it correctly for you.
New themes, vmu icons, a color preset and a font has also been added.
Update (22/03/2022) - Fixed issue with downloaded themes not going where they were supposed too as well as added whether a theme is hd or standard to the general theme details.
Update (09/03/2022) - Fixed issue with hd themes not being copied over.
Update (03/03/2022) - Fixed issue with connecting to server.
Update (24/11/2021) - Updated GDMenu Theme Preview Generator to v1.01, All issues should be fixed now with converting the theme to OpenMenu.
Update (17/11/2021) - Accidently had the HD theme previews saving to the wrong folder, That's fixed now.
Update (11/11/2021) - Updated GDMenu Theme Preview Generator as the bottom half of the app was being cut off on lower resolutions.
Update (10/11/2021) #1 - Updated GDMenu Theme Preview Generator to add the needed header to the OpenMenu PVR files.
Update (10/11/2021) #2 - Updated GDMenu Theme Preview Generator to support converting the theme to an OpenMenu compatible one, The theme will replace the OpenMenu GDMenu one and you can find the two pvr files for it in the OpenMenu Folder.
Update (05/10/2021) - Made a small change to how theme previews are done to try to help speed up the previews for HD themes.
Update (16/09/2021) - Updated my theme preview generator to allow you to show/hide the disc info since that is something you can disable in my theme manager.
Update (15/09/2021) - Fixed an issue with HD themes no longer importing.
Update (14/09/2021) - Added an RGB color wheel to the 'Font Colors' section so it's easier to pick the color you want.
Update (13/09/2021) - Added the online HD themes to the main selection list so it's quicker and easier to apply one by simple doing what you'd normally do for a standard theme, Because of this i have removed the online section on the 'HD Theme Selector' however i have left the offline section so you can still use this to import your own HD theme.
I'm also using .Net Framework 4.8 instead of 4.7.2.
Update (09/09/2021) - Updated the theme manager app to show the preview of the hd theme you have selected as well as the filesize.