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  1. segareplay

    My Sega Print Ad Collection

    Just FYI, I'm going to be slowly scanning and posting to the media section my bizarre collection of Sega print ads I hoarded in my youth. I've kept most of these mint and realized many are nowhere to be found online. I'll keep you all updated as I make scan dumps to the media section of the website.
  2. Head for Saturn Ione Skye 1/3 Page Ad.jpg

    Head for Saturn Ione Skye 1/3 Page Ad.jpg

  3. Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad Back.JPG

    Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad Back.JPG

  4. Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 4.jpg

    Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 4.jpg

  5. Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 3.JPG

    Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 3.JPG

  6. Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 2.JPG

    Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 2.JPG

  7. Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 1.JPG

    Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad 1.JPG

  8. Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad Cover 4.JPG

    Saturn Full-Page Trifold Ad Cover 4.JPG

  9. SegaReplay's Saturn Ad Collection

    SegaReplay's Saturn Ad Collection

    I have dozens of hoarded Sega print material and I will be uploading them here as I scan them.
  10. HeadforSaturn.JPG


  11. segareplay

    Playing Homebrew Games Help

    I did want to post an update to my original questions: I was able to get Slidehop to run after some trial and error (and learning). Also a couple other homebrews (I'm up to 5 now on my Saroo). Never did get Utenyaa to work on Saroo or Pseudo Kai? Can't figure that one out. Regardless, thanks for...
  12. segareplay

    Playing Homebrew Games Help

    I will put something together probably later today.
  13. segareplay

    Saturn Translation Guide?

    Does anyone know of a guide to translating a Saturn game? If not, would someone be willing to write one? I have C knowledge from way back in the day and a daughter in college learning to code. Basically, if I can get a basic outline of where to start and what to do, we'd like to get our feet...
  14. segareplay

    Playing Homebrew Games Help

    I did make an attempt using I did try with this file and it still will not load on my Saroo. I'll try burning a disc tomorrow or the next day and see if I can get it to work that way. It could just be my Saroo.
  15. segareplay

    Saroo Crash Warning!

    Update on the official github: it is recommended to format your micro SD for the Saroo in exfat. It appears that the corrupted data issue may only be happening to those cards formatted in fat32.
  16. segareplay

    Playing Homebrew Games Help

    I'm tracking, thank you.
  17. segareplay

    Playing Homebrew Games Help

    Probably a dumb question but I can't find an answer anywhere online. I'm wanting to try out all these wonderful homebrews but I can't get some of them to work. I've successfully played Hellslave and Cubecat to name a few but others I can't get to run such as Utenyaa and Slidehop. I've tried...
  18. segareplay

    Saroo Crash Warning!

    Reading a different but related thread, I noticed one member commenting on his belief that SD card format may have something to do with it: "One potential difference is my SD card is formatted to exFAT. It seems a lot of problems happen to cards formatted to FAT32." Save Data Erased · Issue...
  19. segareplay

    Saroo Crash Warning!

    Based on what I'm reading, they haven't been able to correlate it to specific hardware and just recommend not using the feature for now. Please note; I used the controller reset method repeatedly over the course of several weeks of frequent play without issue. Ergo, there is no way to really...
  20. segareplay

    Sonic Ringworlds 2nd Update! New Builds!

    If you need any artists, my counterpart at SegaReplay is quite accomplished at digital art. Contact me if interested.