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  1. S

    About Arcade board

    One thing I've noticed about scoring, if you tie someone, whoever set the score first gets the higher ranking. It should give both(or more) people the same ranking. This makes games like bowling, excite bike, and knife throw which have perfect scores impossible to get ranks higher than second.
  2. S

    About Arcade board

    Since this is a Sega board, why aren't the early games like Pengo, Zaxxon, and Frogger on here? Even though I'm more of a Nintendo person myself, the Sego classics should be pimped on here....right? I'm sure at least a few of these should be available in flash format, but maybe I'm wrong.
  3. S

    About Arcade board

    Anyone else notice that the pinball game is rather buggy? My ball is going through the flipper all the time!
  4. S

    About Arcade board

    I can't even submit my score in this game. Everytime I hit submit it does nothing, and I've tried it 3 times now. Maybe there is a problem with Firefox and submitting this game?
  5. S

    About Arcade board

    If you say so. A level 10 tetris is worth 12000 it looks like, so that would take quite a bunch of them, and the blocks fall pretty fast by then. I used to get up to level 18 of tetris on the gameboy version, but with only being able to rotate in one direction on this one, anything beyond...
  6. S

    About Arcade board

    Akuma's list sounds reasonable. Also, what about tetris? The top scores in it are clearly from cheating, plus the version there doesn't level up right, or let you turn the pieces left or right, just right.