About Arcade board

Since this is a Sega board, why aren't the early games like Pengo, Zaxxon, and Frogger on here? Even though I'm more of a Nintendo person myself, the Sego classics should be pimped on here....right? I'm sure at least a few of these should be available in flash format, but maybe I'm wrong.
sandmanx said:
Since this is a Sega board, why aren't the early games like Pengo, Zaxxon, and Frogger on here? Even though I'm more of a Nintendo person myself, the Sego classics should be pimped on here....right?

Sure but there are not a lot available, I saw a Shadow the Hedgehog game but that's all. I've added Frogger.

I'm sure at least a few of these should be available in flash format, but maybe I'm wrong.

It needs more search 🙂 I'd love to see more sega games too.
One thing I've noticed about scoring, if you tie someone, whoever set the score first gets the higher ranking. It should give both(or more) people the same ranking. This makes games like bowling, excite bike, and knife throw which have perfect scores impossible to get ranks higher than second.
I'm really pissed off ... I beat the final boss of the Ninja Kid game (with a score over 124000 points), and guess what ? The score isn't saved in that case ... :security:
hey, don't miss the 2 new games :

Turbo Spirit

Squares 2

I hope it's good choices 🙂
MasterAkumaMatata said:
If you could convince Runik to give me back my high score in Bowling, then I'll give you back your high score on Turbo Spirit. :deal:

Let me think about it ...


I think I'll get your Duck Hunt highscore instead :aetsch:
Time to kidnap Saturnin :deal:

Any other game to remove ? My idea would be to trash :

- Excite Bike (i thought the game was longer)

- Taz Coconut Catch

I'll try to find new good games 🙂
Finally new games !!!

- Bubble Bobble : The revival

- Doomed

- My Chemical Romance: Sweet Revenge

- Xevious
As we got new good games (I hope), it's time to remove weakest one, for me the winners are :

- Excite Bike

- Taz Coconut Catch

- Bubble Bobble

What's your opinion ?
vbt said:
As we got new good games (I hope), it's time to remove weakest one, for me the losers are :

- Excite Bike

- Taz Coconut Catch

- Bubble Bobble

What's your opinion ?

1. Down with hypik!

2. Bubble Bobble is a BUGGY PIECE OF CRAP!

3. Do we really need two snowboard games? (No!)

4. I think Worms 3D is weaker than Taz... if not much shorter.

Back to the Arcade! 😀
TascoDLX said:
1. Down with hypik!

Noooo, I'm first and it needs high skills 🙂

2. Bubble Bobble is a BUGGY PIECE OF CRAP!

Sure 🙂 It's time to remove it.

3. Do we really need two snowboard games? (No!)

Which one is the best ?

4. I think Worms 3D is weaker than Taz... if not much shorter.

Maybe both should be removed.

Back to the Arcade! 😀

Good luck and check that 😉 :

vbt is the new Xevious champion!
1. hypik needs "high skills"?!? Is 'resisting the urge to vomit' a "high skill"?

2. You may happily remove Bubble Bobble. It has been surpassed by its "revival"!

3. I don't care for either snowboarding game. You can remove both for all I care, but I'm sure someone has a stronger opinion.

4. I don't think Taz is all that bad, but you can get rid of it as long as you get rid of Worms 3D first.

vbt said:
vbt is the new Xevious champion!

Congratulations! Try again? 😉
I agree with the removal of bubble bobble. Taz has horible collision detection but once you get the hang of it its not that bad.
All games mentioned were removed even Hypik 🙁 🙁

I have increased the games displayed on a single page to see everything 🙂