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  1. J

    Some advice to mod a Type-1 saturn

    are you talking about damaging the pins on the ribbon cables? are you sure it loads as audio because of the mod-chip, because it could be another problem (for example read my topic below this one called 'cd-rom adjustments')... as for buying another chip, i will find where i bought mine...
  2. J

    saturn cd-rom adjustments? (#2)

    i posted this question but it seems in teh wrong saturn section. please check it out if you are interested. i need help!!! :cat:
  3. J

    Some advice to mod a Type-1 saturn

    there is a guide to installing model-2 chips on a model 1 saturn @ maybe it will help. i'm in the same boat as you, about to buy a model 1 again but with no idea how to mod it..
  4. J

    XP = shit

    vdt, windows is shit, but compared to their usual shit, 98se, 2000professional, and xp are very good systems (and hopefully soon "7") we would all prefer if the whole world used linux, then it would become even better and easier to use.. but as it is now, it's not any less frustrating than a...
  5. J

    [Unreleased] UEFA Championship League

    cool. but looks pretty terrible are you sure it's not for phillips cd-i itself? :call2: i can't read french
  6. J

    IGN - Dreamcast : The Greatest Graphics of All Time

    cool shenmue beat sonic adventure soul calibur beat the 2k sports jet set radio beat crazy taxi those were the days. best example of balanced style & substance i remember seeing revolt playing in a store. seeing those crystal clear graphics with 60fps, was quite a shocker :frown2: (to...
  7. J

    Saturn cd-rom adjustments?

    oy! I hadn't used my Saturn for about a year, and just when I was ready to play Shinobi I found it booting straight to music menu. I opened it up and found 3 dials around the drive which I randomly adjusted, :on2long: hoping to see some improvement :eyemouth: (you know the yellow one, white one...